HDL Works
SPR | Title | Released | Description |
2193 | No HDL units extracted from specified HDL file in the project properties dialog | 4.2.3 | The HDL file, when relative, was preprocessed using the current working directory instead of using the project path. |
FPGA Device updates | 4.2.3 | Updates for Intel Agilex & Microsemi Igloo2 / SmartFusion2 | |
Corporate environment variables | 4.2.2 | Variables could not be set, only changed | |
LVDS rename dialog | 4.2.2 | Changed confusing header labels | |
FPGA Device updates | 4.2.2 | Updates for Intel Agilex Xilinx Artix UltraScale+, Versal AI Core, Versal AI Edge, Versal Prime, Virtex UltraScale+, Zynq(RFSOC) UltraScale+ |
2153 | Use extracted device from the Intel FPGA constraints | 4.2.1 | When only specifying a constraint file for Intel, the correct recognized device is reported but not used. |
2152 | Filter option when searching the netlist for reference designators in project properties dialog | 4.2.1 | On the PCB page of the IO Checker properties dialog we can extract/show all reference designators which exceed a certain pin count. (Default 256). Use some kind of filter to only show designators with the exact number of pins as the selected FPGA. |
2151 | Browser dialog for CSV export of a view requires existing file | 4.2.1 | When using the browse dialog in CSV export of the signal/pin view, the browse widget requires an existing file. You cannot specify/select a new file. |
2144 | Support 2 dimensional arrays in VHDL | 4.2.1 | As title. |
2137 | Improve Lattice PAD report parsing for IO standards | 4.2.1 | The Lattice pad report file adds a postfix (based on signal direction) to the IO Standards reported in the column 'Buffer Type'. |
2122 | Restore option to create constraints for selected PCB signals | 4.2.1 | In IO Checker 3.4 you could generate FPGA location constraints for the selected PCB signals in the pin view. This option was removed in 4.0. |
2120 | Lattice LPF constraint parser does not report duplicate IO standard assignment | 4.2.1 | No message is given when a signal has 2 different IO standard constraints (the last one is used). |
2118 | Setting a signal to ground doesn't resolve power error | 4.2.1 | Ground/power and ground pins should not be matched by name. |
2111 | IO Checker fails to save/restore user settings on Windows | 4.2.1 | The save/restore of user settings doesn't work on Windows when the username contains extended characters. |
2109 | Add Cadence brd file extraction as a separate format | 4.2.1 | Add a format definition to parse the extraction data generated by the Cadence extracta utility. This allows designers to process the extracted data of a brd file on another computer. |
2108 | Data files not recognized in a directory containing extended characters | 4.2.1 | Files stored below a folder containing extended characters (like é or è) are not found. |
Improved ISCF parser | 4.2.1 | Improved error handling and allow parsing of component properties. | |
FPGA Device updates | 4.2.1 | Updates for Intel Agilex, Stratix 10, Max10, Cyclone10 Xilinx Versal, Virtex UltraScale+ HBM, Defense-Grade Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC, Defense-Grade Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Microsemi Igloo2, SmartFusion2, PolarFire |
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